Parisian Pleasure Seekers (DORCEL)

GENRE: Group Sex, Threesomes, Orgies, European, French

DIRECTORS: Pascal Lucas & Herve Bodilis


MSRP: 34.99 (EURO) / $38.47 (US) 


LENGTH: 1 hr 30 mins. + Making Of

AUDIO/VIDEO: Without rehashing the usual "Dorcel Quality" mention, which is mostly present here I want to focus on some issues that I noticed. For one thing the editing in this film was conflicting. It was definitely in-tune with a project done by two men with two different visions. At times the story that was being told through actions, and reactions would change focus in a manner that was not common with other parts of the film. It felt like one of Herve's masquerade orgy films at times, and at other times it felt like a narrative modern-day tale that would have been told by a director with a more thought out plot.

In the way of plot delivery there were some instances where added onscreen text was sloppy, and even an early point where the editor tried to do the whole PC comment displayed on the screen thing. The flashbacks at the end which were done up in a bluish-grey also felt very much out of place as nowhere else in the entire film was that effect used. Not only that, but the way the flashbacks were edited in made that part of the film seem less professional. Visually the film also had a true-to-life appearance to it. The performers didn't look as physically flawless as they usually do, and had a sort of dirty look about them. You could see the reflection of oil/sweat on one of the girl's bodies, and even imperfections that you usually don't notice with the proper lighting. As critical as that assessment sounds it's the truth, and even more so on an HDTV.

EXTRAS: Making Of & Trailers

CAST: Anissa Kate, Anna Polina, Amel Annoga, Cecilia De Lys, Lucy Heart, Kimber Delice, Phil Holliday



Copyright © Marc Dorcel
Parisian Pleasure Seekers. It's a title that incites the most lustful of thoughts. From the cast inclusive cover that shows off the directors' main four ladies of choice, to that tantalizing description on the backside of the case this dvd package really tries to impress the buyer on so many levels. Even I found myself excited about watching, and reviewing the film after seeing the cover image, and reading about it. Regardless of that initial hyped up impression though I found that this film didn't exactly live up to it's naughty by nature appearance, or accompanying description. While I am a huge fan of the Dorcel ladies, and most of the directors including Herve Bodilis I feel that there was a lot of things in this particular film that stood out as being unattractive, for lack of a better word. There were some noticeable editing issues, some creative direction problems, and some incoherent storytelling that was only made worse by the constant conversations, and observations between characters.

Copyright © Marc Dorcel
The film started off on a rather rocky road with Anissa, and her onscreen husband enjoying the company of another man that they had welcomed over into their home. It was a threesome filled with the usual spit roasting, anal drilling, and pussy pounding that is seen in most similar instances along the Dorcel line of films. This threesome wouldn't have been so bad if the performer playing the role of the husband (I think it's Pascal St.James) had kept his mouth shut during most of the sex. He was literally narrating what was going on, and was directing both Anissa and the joining gentlemen on what to do. I understand that there needed to be some guidance in such a situation due to the context of it, but it was so over-the-top in delivery that it dumbed down the sexual encounter being shown. The added fact that both of the directors chose to go with spoken dialogue instead of narration really effected my interpretation of what I watched. I imagine it would have been much more tolerable in it's native tongue, but with the English voice-overs that I usually choose to go with the conversation between performers was almost comical at times.

Copyright © Marc Dorcel
Past the intro of Anissa, and the three other girlfriends (Anna Polina, Cecilia De Lys, Lucy Heart) via their daily work routines the viewer is taken on a pleasure filled journey into the nighttime party life of the well-to-do. This includes a teasing taxi ride in which Anna gives the wildest blowjob I have ever seen, and two masquerade style private party intrusions in which all four leading ladies get into a sort of sexual slut off. The first to go hardcore in this nighttime escapade is 'Cecilia De Lys' who finds herself doing the bidding of a certain male acquaintance. She tends to two cocks via a hallway gloryhole at his instruction, and also sucks his cock while doing so. Not only did Cecilia blow like a pro, but she also got anally tongued, and banged by her gentleman lover from behind while mature onlookers in masks watched the sinful spectacle unfold. To me the whole touchy-feely nature of the two party scenarios felt a bit awkward, especially with the masked matures standing about. It was almost cult-like in nature, and oddly so. There's a time and place in a Dorcel film for the masquerade sex, but I do not think this was an appropriate occasion. A more subtle, and modern-day approach to the nightclub scene would have been more appropriate, in my personal opinion.

Copyright © Marc Dorcel
Beyond the first private club encounter the foursome of ladies join back up, and travel a short distance to a gated outdoors club that is all about the gangbang setup. With their looks alone these four beauties are welcomed in, and are treated to the biggest of cocks. Lucy Heart finally gets to pop her perverted cherry in a foursome that includes three musclebound guys. Out of all the leading ladies Lucy gets pounded the hardest, and is the only one to receive a double penetration. While this should have been one of the most exciting moments in the film it too was played down by focal distractions including that of Anna being played off as a secondary fuck. To be perfectly honest I didn't feel as if any of the scenes were all that special including this one. They all sort of blended together in a common mediocrity that didn't exactly fit well together.

Copyright © Marc Dorcel
The final fuck to be shown wasn't exactly a fuck at all, and instead had Anissa reminiscing about her first encounter of the film via flashbacks while she gave a younger gentleman a quick tugjob. It was a disappointing way to end an already rushed film. For ninety minutes worth of sex, and verbal foreplay this supposedly sexy adventure took on a haphazard form that sort of went everywhere, and nowhere all at once. I think the joint directing may have had something to do with it, but again that is my opinion. From watching past Pascal Lucas, and Herve Bodilis films I can tell you that they both have very different styles.This could very well be the reasoning behind the conflicting directorial presentation.

Copyright © Marc Dorcel
I did forget to mention that there was one other sexual scene in which interracial sex was the key focus. The white brunette included, like the main female role-players was gazed upon by horny mature observers who were rubbing each other as the sex was happening before them. This seemed a lot like one of Herve's previous films in which he took the whole aristocratic masquerade fantasy into full account. I couldn't help, but be turned off by it's unrelated feel. By that I simply mean it did not join cohesively with the base plot, or provided characters. At least not outside the fact that the leading ladies were Parisian Libertines who were out to fuck, and watch others do the same.


I hate to say, but "Parisian Pleasure Seekers" is quite possibly one of the poorer productions from the Dorcel dvd library that I've ever reviewed. The plot, and sexual orientation was all over the place. The only thing tying everything together was the underlying theme that is "Pleasure Seeking". The main cast of ladies, though prominent in their own right were effectively made to seem mediocre despite their sexual feats of prowess. I don't know what was up with Anna and her crazed blowjob, and I sure as heck don't understand why Anissa got caught up in two of the most lackluster scenes I've ever seen from Dorcel studios. It may sound like I'm being overly dramatic to you, but this is all coming from one of Dorcel's, and Herve Bodilis' biggest American fans. There are plenty of reasons why I support Dorcel with my reviews, and this film is unfortunately not one of them. I feel the cast didn't shine like they usually do, and the plot just did not deliver. Sorry, but the truth hurts sometimes.


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