PG: Psycho Goreman | A DVD Review

I know I'm late to the show, and that my take on this campy horror film will likely fall on blind eyes. That being said, it's likely to be a take that most have not stopped to consider. Having thrown lump sums of my own money at purchasing RLJE DVDs, and Blurays over the past couple of years, and having watched all of them I've noticed a trend. A trend that the publisher's onboard directors seem to all follow. It is a political trend, and often times comes off as propaganda in the guise of films. Touching base on topics such as race, inequality, gender, the patriarchy, feminism, and all those textbook ideological ideals. It turns out 'Psycho Goreman" is no different in those regards. Everything from the characters to the script, and the plot points are all encapsulated political pisstakes. Each of which are oddly unaware in context that they are occasionally undermining the very ideas they are selling. 

Skin deep, Psycho Goreman is a story of the world's greatest evil being dug up, released, and controlled by the world's worst teenage brat. That teenage brat being a girl named Mimi who embodies the feminist movement in possibly the most accurate way. Sometimes even making the feminist movement that Mimi's character reflects to be self-aware of the actual lunacy within said movement. Mimi, for lack of a better description, is that crazy feminist meme you see on social media. A woman screaming to the sky, because Trump won the presidency instead of Hillary. It's actually quite hilarious when you think about it ...

On the flipside of Mimi exists Mimi's manipulated monster who himself is a parody of mixed political ideals. Representing the black race, the LGBTQ+ movement, and the idea that those doing evil deeds, because of past transgressions against slaves or the oppressed are somehow justified. An eye for an eye mentality that we often see in divisive racial politics. It's an Evil made Holy through a versus Evil lens kind of deal. That justified evil has a name and in this instance it's Psycho Goreman, or PG for short. As it would turn out PG also has an arch-nemesis in the film. A white and winged Templar named Pandora who is painted in an opposite light, but for a religious jab and as a representation of the supposedly truer evil that is whiteness. Embodying Christianity, which through her, is portrayed as the worst Evil while also being the representative of whiteness that understands the black plight. Whitesplaining, as it were. Something that's far worse than the religious counterpart, apparently. Showcasing, in the end, whiteness and the righteous light as the problem and blackness and genuine evil as the solution to that problem. Perhaps not evil incarnate as it is, but more so a lack of morals and a moral compass in relations to the real world context.

After PG's lore is established, and those linked to Mimi made known Pandora fights against the supreme evil of all evils that is now Psycho Goreman whose presence serves as an anthesis to the idea that Righteousness in the religious sense is good, and Whiteness is the arbiter of truth. Pandora ultimately loses the fight in the film's closing act while PG goes on to wreck the world, because he views the light/white as the enemy. Doing exactly what was done to him as a slave by the Templars of light to those of a similar mindset. Justifying evil against another supposed evil while being evil himself, and in his mission. Letting us hang on one final thought in his eureka moment were he exclaims to Mimi that he knows what true power is now, and that it is love. Ironically that love like the divisive identity politics in our real world is the evil PG goes on to commit. Using love to justify his chaos, and carnage. The complete genocide of the human race. 

Lesser characters in the film also play a role in delivering the underhanded political propaganda. Mimi's brother, and father for example are examples of the patriarchy, and white fragility. Luke, who is Mimi's brother, acts weak yet opposed towards Mimi's abuse of power. Cowering, and countering like a hurt cis white male who does not accept feminist ideals. Moreover he also takes on the guise of beta males or male feminists in such a way as to undermine his own masculinity. Masculinity bad, and all that jazz. The father, on the other hand, is a lazy no good parent who serves only to deepen the normalization of feminist empowerment through the character that plays the role of Mimi's mother. As you might guess Mimi's mother represents feminism as well, but more so in the sense that she is seen as the hard worker who isn't getting what she deserves. Think of it as the 'Pay Gap' theory made flesh.

I could go on tearing this film a new one as there's plenty of political takes throughout, but I'll stop here. As a proper film Psycho Goreman fails big time. It's not a film. It's propaganda. As propaganda it would have won an Oscar, in my opinion, as it is constructed in such a genius manner as to not be seen for what it is by many of the bigger critics out there. Most reviewers mindlessly sing it's praise for being an 80's style Power Rangers inspired horror comedy. Absolutely clueless that they are being spoon fed their own political takes through a horror comedy facade. So ... yeah. It blows, and not in a good way. If you're looking for further brainwashing you'll get it in spades in Psycho Goreman. If you're looking for a legit horror comedy film you won't find that here though. 

VERDICT: "1 out of 5 🎃's"

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