My PRIVATE 50th Anniversary Calendar Prize ...

First off I want to apologize for the delay in reviews. I do have a couple of more Dorcel dvds to review for you ladies, and gentlemen. The only thing that currently keeps me from posting said reviews is some gaming review work that requires my immediate attention. Once I get those two things knocked out I'll be able to provide the adult reviews for you. As far as this posting goes I thought I'd share with you a recent prize I won from PurePlay Media, and PRIVATE. It is a 2015 50th anniversary calendar of the PRIVATE studio. It features large poster sized photographic images of PRIVATE's leading ladies starting from it's humble beginnings to it's more recent debuts. I think @pureplaymedia of Twitter is still giving some away, so you might get as lucky as I did if you follow them, and pay attention. It is a luck of the draw type of deal, but it's better to give it a try than not.

As far as my thoughts on PRIVATE goes they tend to release a more glamorous type of porn. I've seen them delve in the foreign releases with foreign girls, and even do films about paradise style vacation scenarios. They tend to keep things classy, and usually have one of the sexiest cast of female performers that you can find these days in the porn industry. Their themes vary, and nothing ever really seems like a rehash, or repeat. They do try to keep things fresh. If you like glamor porn I think you should be able to find something worth watching in their film, and dvd library. Anyways, thanks to PRIVATE and PurePlay Media for the awesome prize! I would proudly hang it up on my office wall, but being the collector I am I want to keep it in it's original seal.

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